How it works
Our competition formats
Box leagues
Round-robin format, split into multiple divisions. For internal or regional matches.
Players are organized into groups with opponents of a similar level
Players play everyone in the group once
Players arrange their own matches at a mutually convenient time (via the chat or email)
Players submit their results through the app
Players have to complete their matches within a set time period (typically two months)
After each round, players are promoted, relegated or remain in the same box based on their results
Ladder competitions
A modern club ladder to stimulate internal club matches.
Players are organized (ranked) like ladder rungs; their initial positions are based on their level of play
Players move up if they beat a higher-ranked opponent
Every 2 weeks, the system proactively matches players based on their ladder position
Players arrange their own matches at a mutually convenient time (via the chat or email)
Players submit their results through the app
Players can opt in or out, giving them the flexibility to compete when their schedule permits
Elimination draws (Coming soon!)
Autonomous tournament bracket for internal club & regional tournaments.
Players are placed into the elimination draw based on their level of play
Players advance in the draw (bracket) if they win; when they lose, they're eliminated
Players submit their results through the app